The Loving Embrace Of The Parents Brought The Baby Back To Life

Kate and David Ogg, of Queensland, Australia, had a long-awaited child, especially twins, and had a happy pregnancy. However, on March 25, 2010, the situation suddenly changed when it reached six months. “I was taken to the ᴅᴇʟɪᴠᴇʀʏ room and gave birth as it was,” Kate said.

First of all, Jamie, the first child, was taken out, and two minutes later, Emily gave her first cry, but Jamie did not raise her voice. His breathing stopped, and doctors’ resuscitation efforts were in vain, and he was pronounced ᴅᴇᴀᴅ. “Jamie looked like he was still breathing, but the doctor said, ‘I can’t do this anymore.’”

“I stripped Jamie naked and asked David to take off his shirt and warm up with me. I know it’s silly, but I couldn’t give up.”

And Kate and David talked about his name, his sister who was born with him, the hardships he had to endure to have two children, and various other things. Then a miracle happened. In this mother’s loving arms, the little boy started moving, and his breathing grew stronger. Hospital staff rushed back to his ᴀɪᴅ, and together they brought the baby back to life.

Jamie and Emily are now five years old. To date, Jamie has not had any ɪʟʟɴᴇssᴇs and is thriving. “Without ᴏxʏɢᴇɴ to the ʙʀᴀɪɴ, ᴄᴇʀᴇʙʀᴀʟ ᴘᴀʟsʏ, which was the most feared problem, didn’t occur. When I told the story to the twins, Emily had tears in her eyes and hugged Jamie,” the Oggs said.

We are trying to set up an online community to support premature and sick newborns. Experts point out that the skin-to-skin contact between the baby and the mother after birth is an important way to convey the feeling of “Welcome to a new world. Thank you for being born.”

The process of giving birth can be a really sᴛʀᴇssꜰᴜʟ time for a baby. After birth, touching her mother’s skin controls her heart rate and breathing and calms her down. Also, the mother’s breast area is warmer than others, and being held on the breast is good for babies who are suddenly exposed to the low temperature of the delivery room from the 37 degrees inside the ᴡᴏᴍʙ. A story of a real miracle that true love evokes.

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